Vote out OD Harris and other radicals that want to turn Chandler into Central Phoenix

OD Harris, real name Odainke Asa Harris, paints himself as a moderate politician with a proud military background. As the picture and this official website show, he is championing radical causes like Critical Race Theory (CRT), DEI, BLM.

A recent article in AZ Central highlights that Harris - who has claimed that he was in military counterintelligence for 4 years - served only 16 months in the Michigan Guard. His discharge status is ‘uncharacterized’ and he is restricted from reenlisting via status RE-3. Due to the brevity of his service and his discharge status, his veteran status has been called into question.

We want a high quality of life and a fair, non-intrusive and efficient government. We need to focus on good schools, good roads and safe neighborhoods, not on victim culture and fearmongering.

Vote out radicals like OD Harris and prevent leftists like Ajlan "AJ" Kurdoglu, and Cecily Rocha-Miller from getting onto the City Council. Chandler has an open primary system. Early primary voting starts July 3, 2024. Election day is July 30, 2024. Last day to register to vote is July 1, 2024. Check the Chandler election page for more details. Vote Out OD Harris to say NO to:

  • More taxes and waste

  • High density housing and crime

  • Oppressive ordinances, mandates, lockdowns

  • CRT, DEI and other divisive racial politics

OD Harris with DEI, BLM, Woke Poster

Military Record: Stolen Valor?

Recent reporting on OD Harris’ military record:

  • Harris puts his veteran status front left and center, giving the impression that he had a storied career in military counterintelligence, without providing proof.

  • His discharge status is “uncharacterized” and via status RE-3 he is restricted in regards to reenlisting.

  • Harris was enlisted for only 16 months, in 1998/1999, far short of his term.

  • His status as veteran has been called into question by Anthony Anderson, a former Army sergeant and expert in exposing those who make false claims about their military service.

  • He left as a private, the lowest rank. Other veterans said that’s a red flag because privates are eligible for promotion after six months.

  • Harris' record shows no military education, which is the next step after basic training in which enlistees learn a specialty like being a mechanic.

Our disappearing signs

Our campaign signs have been disappearing of the streets of Chandler throughout June and July 2024, up until primary election day, 31 July 2024. We made a short video showing some of this.

What is Anti-Racism? What is Equity? What is DEI?

In the first picture, OD Harris stands in front of a poster that among other terms also has the phase Anti-Racism. What is this? Anti-racism is a term that is largely equivalent with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Critical Race Theory (CRT). Radicals use different terms to fool people into believing that these words mean something else.

The picture below, taken from the book “Anti-Racist Baby” - authored by radical academic Ibrahim X Kendi - shows that Anti-Racism is an umbrella term for many concepts the far left seeks to impose on us, demanding more taxes, less freedom and a lower quality of life. The book is directed at little children, making kids hate each other, and themselves.

Another radical concept included in Anti-Racism is so called Climate Justice, think Green New Deal, eat the bugs, sleep in a pod. Yet another one is equity, not to be confused with equality. Equality means people are treated equally. Equity means people are treated unequally to force equal outcomes; it’s discrimination. Woke OD Harris seems to be all for it.

Traffic is Becoming a Nightmare

Traffic is becoming a nightmare in Chandler as every other road appears to be subject to some kind of road work. It is not good policy to do too many infrastructure projects at the same time. Also, each such project costs taxpayer money. A City Council focused on radical culture wars is less focused on running the City of Chandler efficiently.

High Density Housing

It is not necessary to transform every city into an urban slum with high rise apartment buildings and high crime. OD Harris however is fully committed to building up. See OD in his own words, and in full bling, in the video.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office

Did you know that the City of Chandler has a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office, paid for by your money? The office’s tentacles even reach into the Chandler public library where small children are being indoctrinated in the woke cultural concepts of the far left.

Homeless Encampments

Homeless encampments were largely unknown in Chandler up until about 5 years ago. As leftists in Phoenix have allowed vast tent cities and camps to go up there, these policies have seeped into Chandler as well. With radical leftists like OD Harris in charge, the homeless problem is growing, which also leads to more crime.

There are even reports that gangs use children for panhandling. It has been reported that when called to investigate, Chandler PD says that panhandling is legal in Chandler.

Not Historic

OD Harris being on the Chandler City Council is often painted as some kind of historic achievement. That’s not so. First, race doesn’t matter. Second, Chandler has had black council members, and even a black mayor, before, elected on their merits, not on their diversity factors.

Republican Coy Payne - shown in the black and white picture - was mayor of Chandler from 1983 to 1990.

Zora Folley was a boxer who in 1967 went 7 rounds against Mohammed Ali for the heavyweight championship of the world. He landed a few mean right hands on the Greatest before being stopped. He served on the Chandler City Council in later life. Folley Memorial Park is named after him.

It is an insult to these great men who rose purely on their merit when people like OD Harris play racial grievance politics among pomp and circumstance.

What About OD’s Endorsements?

When politicians say they are endorsed by police and fire, they may be misleading people. Usually such endorsements mean that a public sector union in a different city has given a small amount of money to the politician’s campaign or is running a campaign supporting the politician. In OD’s case, it is a firefighter union in Phoenix that donated some money to his campaign. It does not necessarily mean that most local Chandler firefighters endorse him.

Public sector unions almost exclusively donate to and endorse Democrats. Teachers unions, another example of public sector unions, lobbied heavily for school closures, and got their way.

An endorsement of OD Harris by the Chandler Chamber of Commerce makes sense because the Chandler Chamber is run by Democrats and is committed to radical woke causes such as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, DEI, as the picture shows.

OD Harris is Not What He Says He is

OD Harris has been a disruptive force on the City Council, championing high density housing, Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) - sometimes called Critical Race Theory - as well as higher levels of government spending and regulations.

Don’t be fooled by OD Harris portraying himself as a patriotic, moderate community leader. He’s a radical and it would be foolish to leave leftists like OD Harris in charge.

A City the size of Chandler doesn’t deteriorate in a day. But signs of problems are all around: worsening traffic, high density housing, higher spending, higher taxes, more crime, divisive identity politics.

Put a stop to it now, before it’s too late. Vote Out OD.